My daughter just likes baby stuff, so I figured why buy her presents. I bought her a used toy baby car seat. But it had an ugly princess torn cover so I figured I could easily make a new cover. I made a new stroller cover a year ago. Yeah the carseat cover was hard than the stroller if that is possible. They were both hard and I wouldn't suggest anyone do it unless they are committed. Then I made a matching backpack, after seeing Candice's post, in which she gets her directions from this site, I added width, but I also sort of wished I added length. I also am bad at following directions so I actually made the backpack one and half times. Long story.
But come on doesn't ever mom need a matching travel system for her baby?! At least once in her life.
She has been wanting a baby carseat for about two months now. Everytime we were in the store and her brother looked at legos she asked for the carseat. Just for the record, I still have at least two yards of this duck material. Does anyone wants some?!
Good job.
ReplyDeleteYour abilities amaze me. You just make everything.
I just ordered fabric for the first time. I'm starting a little sewing stash.