Wednesday, December 10, 2008

J's Holiday Crafts

I'm not the only one making holiday crafts in my house.

My son picked out this fantastic snowflake mask in the store and wouldn't give it up. So then we came home and he painted it.


  1. The Funny Funny said "That's me!" I said "No it isn't. Who is it?" she said "Grandpa?" I said "It's *" (*=your kids name) She said "I don't like *, I only like my baby sister and my cousins." I said "* is your cousin" she said "Oh, I like *!"

  2. We couldn't stop laughing. So special!

  3. That would make an excellent Christmas card.

  4. Its nice that you let him do crafts so young. I know lots of moms who wouldn't want to deal with the mess or the clean-up.
