I have a sickness, its called obsessive Halloween planning.
My son has been talking about wanting to be grass for months. I know Halloween is not for another 10 monutes, but my son is obsessed with holidays. I haven't the slightest idea where he would pick up an obsession. He is planning other holidays while enjoying current holidays, which is all fine and dandy, as long as there are no tears involved.
So he wants to be grass for Halloween 2012, he thinks it would be so funny. He has an odd sense of humor for a 5 year old.
Well you know my brain, now I have a whole family theme. Will it last, will he still want to be grass in 10 months, only October will tell. Wouldn't be great though if my theme worked? Sorry no more details at this point.
By the way I just googled grass Halloween costume, the good mormon girl in me, makes me slightly naive sometimes. I should clarify, he wants to look like walking astro turf. He has no need to propagate a legal drug in the state of Colorado with a prescription.
You need to throw an annual spring costume party--so you can celebrate with costumes twice a year. Or maybe you should do my kids' costumes. Except that they never want to be cool stuff like your kids.