Friday, July 22, 2011

Learning more about Cookies

Things I've learned lately.
At my altitude cookies turn out better with a tablespoon or two mixed in the dough.
I need to bake my cookies a minute less.  I've realized if I pull them out before they look "golden", they aren't as dry.

Things I learned a long time ago.
Use butter flavored shortening, not butter, or the cookies will look like pancakes.
High Altitude needs more flour.  Sounds no brainier, but I was raised at 500 ft, I had to learn that the hard way.

One last thought.
When in a quick fix Nestle's Break and Bake, taste like homemade cookies, unlike Pillsbury.  But at almost 7,000 ft they turn out like pancakes.  I have been known to use them before, but I recently got some with our frozen pizza, they tasted fine, but looked awful.  But I like homemade cookies better than break and bake, creating from scratch gives me more satisfaction in life.
My husband's and my favorite chocolate chip cookies, are with Ande's Mint bits.

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