I found
BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes 5 minutes before my hubby came home from work, I haven't been back home since, because of a wedding. Hopefully I'm not to late to participate. Here is how I decorated in a small apartment, using many holiday handme downs. If you came to my house the first thing you would see is my jingle bell wreath on my apartment door. I love this, because of the glitter, I love sparkley things at christmas (although my husband would say I love anything that sparkles all 12 months).

Our stockings are hung by the window with care, since $500 a month doesn't buy a fireplace. I
hand make stockings for all my family.

Here is our 2 foot christmas tree. It was a handme down from my grandma. Here are some of my favorite
ornaments. The santa in the background, is a handme down from my mother, its kind of ugly, but I love it because I remember it being in my house as a child. The christmas
clock I made a few days ago. One of my sister in laws and I have a love affair going on with Believe signs, thats why I have two with my tree.

This is my favorite presents, its from my brother. I love it, because my sister in law (a different one, I only have 10) wrapped it so simply but beautifully. The tree skirt is another handme down from my childhood.

This santa also came with the other from my mom. Its a little too....traditional crafty looking for my taste, but its nice to have a santa on the floor that my son can look at and touch, so he can experience Christmas for himself.

This nativity is also on the floor for my son to experience for himself. My mother in law gave all of her children this nativity and its a great nativity for children, because it has a music box.

Here are some more of our nativities. My mom collects nativities which means she has more than she can display in her house. She has passed many on to me, including these two. I love my Fontanini Nativity. Speaking of Love, I absolutely love my feather tree. I partly love them, because I got married at christmas time and one of my receptions was decorated with feather trees.

Here are some more Nativities, we have another five sets in our closet (apparently mother like daughter), but we had no room to display them in our shoe box of an apartment. Most of these my husband brought back after living in Chile for two years. (The Joy one is a handme down not Chilean.)

I almost forgot, my lovely kitchen christmas craft, I made when I was probably 14. That would be the explanation for the awful handwriting, and the poor lay out of words. Thank goodness for moms who save those types of things.
Thanks for coming over!
You have done a lot with your apartment. Love the pillow. Hope you get to Mexico.
ReplyDeleteIt's so much fun to see someone else's apt. when many have houses! Thanks for sharing! Your clock is absolutely fantastic! Good job! I hope you get to go to Mexico! Merry Christmas! Kelly
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tour, your place is so cute, and good for you handmaking your stockings. Maybe someday I can do that too!
ReplyDeleteHave a great christmas :)
I love it! So very very warm and fun for Christmas!
ReplyDeleteDon't get your tinsel in a tangle is my new favorite quote! I love it...
ReplyDeleteCome on over...
Dang it, now I'm wishing our van had broken down for another day so we could have borrowed Kim's car to go to your house and check it all out in person.
ReplyDeleteThanks for showing us your place and I like your blog. Your baby is very cute too! I want an Advent calendar too (saw your previous post) and like that one in Parents also. Maybe I will get to it next year... Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I love what you have done with the place! I would like to get a nativity set for children. I love the way yours looks!