Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School Wreath

The Friday before school started, life was beyond chaotic, my house was a mess, there probably was a baby crying, but I came up with a wreath idea and wanted to make it before school started. So I did. And guess what when I finished the house was still a mess, a baby was probably sleeping, everyone else was coloring with crayons. 
Since I used the same polka dots from father's day, the wreath was quite easy. I took a pin and poked holes through the crayons at the same point, and then took fishing line and beads to make my crayon bunting. It was very easy. All the kids wanted to help, no one was allowed, I worked at the bar while everyone else had to color at the table. I'm mean like that.
Its so cheery and jaunty. I looking at it.

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