I finally finished this apron. (Before I left for TX.) I bought the material almost a year ago. I copied the apron after
my sister in law, Teresa. I hope she doesn't mind, I really don't copy everything from her, she uses some of my ideas too, I think.
Here are the aprons I've made in the last year.
I made this one for my old roommate when she got married.

She likes the beach, she was planning to go to Hawaii for college. Yes that is a hand embroidered tea towel.

Why she got hand embroidery when no one else did? I don't know I guess I was feeling ambition.
Also I never took a picture of this one, but I made my mom an apron with
this material to match her kitchen, its yellow and blue, the kitchen that is, and obviously the apron is also.
Then I made one for my new sister in law for her bridal shower in december.

They are a great bridal shower gift because they are not embarrassing to open in front of older women, but you can still look cute for your new husband (I give them with the intention the bride will use them fully clothed). Not to mention, its not embarrassing to model. I learned something doing this one, thin bias tape might look good, but go for the wide, the extra wide, thin will make you cry, will make you yell, will make you want to hurt yourself, and make you want to throw things at the wall. It will also make you end up in your room with the door shut until you can calm down and face your family again, don't use it, go for the extra wide.