Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Apron Craze

About a month ago I went on another apron craze.  I sewed this for my daughter.  She didn't have an apron, and always fought over her brother's with him.

Then I made this one, which is unisex (I think) for a child.

And come on, how could I not resist making another polka dot, cupcake apron. 
 I love these two materials, I guess there is actually three, oh wait four.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Back by Popular Demand

Yes, one request of pictures a baby blanket is popular demand. Here it is, a little more colorful than the previous one I made for this mom, but not as loud as the first one I made her. (That was before I photographed my art work, it was purple with cartoon ballerinas everywhere.)  Since I made it before the baby was born, my sister in law was not able to change the name after she was born. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This picture is awful, and makes the materials clash, but I wanted the entire blanket in one picture.

Here is the question, obviously I have the blog so I can show off my crafts no matter how good or bad they may be. I think I'm a fairly good hand embroidery, but I'm always nervous about posting it because I don't want people to be annoyed that I posted their child's name on the internet, even though I never post a picture of said child to go with the name.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My gratitude Calendar

All the cool kids are making a list of everything they are thankful for this month, so I wanted to jump on the wagon. Here is mine, a calendar, each box is a different day.
Although the squares don't say who said it, the list is a mix of everyone's thoughts. I assume the responses don't need names.  Clearly we know who is thankful for toy bunnies, who loves baby dolls, and who likes conversations with other grown-ups.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Birthday Baking/ Birthday Apron

I found this cute material, and wanted to make an apron for birthdays.  My daughter turns 2 in a month, and it be so great to wear my fun new apron.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dragon Hide Dolly Blanket

When my son was a baby, his Aunt Teresa made him a green silky blanket with the soft raised polka dots on the other side.  I have no idea what that material is called, and my husband told my son years ago that it was from a dragon, it is call the dragon hide blanket.  My daughter loves silky soft things, so she always wants the blanket, and yet my son refuses.  We had a brown scrap from my mom, and then we had a pink scrap of some sort of silky stuff, and tah tad, we have another dragon hide blanket, a little more girly this time. (Three pieces pieced together.)  After watching How to Train a Dragon we know that dragons are more colors than just green.  
This blanket is only big enough for a doll.
She is a very conscientious mother.

Little Cupcake Apron

I love cupcakes, I love material, I especially love material with cupcakes on it, and since I'm also enjoy sewing aprons, I made my daughter an apron. We only have one child apron, and the kids fight over it now when we bake, so I whipped up another one.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Monogram Wreath

I found this tutorial, and really love the Monogram, I love all monograms. I finally got around to buying my supplies.  It was cheaper than I expected, the H was the same price as the wreath, only $3 and something. The great thing is I can change it for the seasons, by pulling off the flowers and gluing different seasonal embellishments. This might be a reoccurring post. I love the wreath.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Not my creation

Remember Nannie Doll? Well my mom made one for my niece with dark hair. Isn't it darling? I want one, (not really). I didn't make this doll, but I did draw her face. I thought the dark hair version was so cute I had to post it.